Tuesday 29 June 2010

New York - HOT to the point of heatstroke. The City has opened "cooling centers" for the old and vulnerable to live until the heat abates. I ask a woman who complains of the heat and about how much hotter it is in June now than it used to be about global warming. She looks puzzled for a moment and then it dawns on her what I meant. Her features are gathered into a dismissive scowl, "that's Al Gore crap!" "Damn fool thinks he can make a living outta scarin folk!" And that was that. We stood on a corner in blasts of hot air coming from high rise buildings as they struggled to cool their occupants. The message appears not to be getting through and I suddenly felt quite depressed.

Off to the Carolina's in the morning (isn't there a song with a theme like this?) More when I land and get a feel for the place.

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